Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sick Days...

I call these my cocktails. It's not bad, but I can't taste it much anyway. This is a free plug for Dayquil and Airborne. Sadly, my face is still plugged. Looking forward to breathing out of my nose, smelling, tasting ALL of my food, actually being hungry, having energy and being able to do read without falling asleep (ok, I've been hoping for that for a long time -- I was notorious for falling asleep with the light on and my face in a book at school).
On the plus side, I have read some more than if I'd been working, watched a couple movies I'd been wanting to see, and I got more time with the fam. It was all pro bono, and sans choice.

Thanks germs and bacteria,

Love Bobby

1 comment:

Jason Coobs said...

Ok fine! See Indiana Jones...but on your own risk...I would recommend spending as little money as possible on this, so get a friend to take you! Luckily, Jenny and I saw it at the cheep theater...I think I enjoyed to Popcorn more! Just kidding, I'm not bitter but anyways!

Hope you feel better soon bro! Thanks for the update! Keep taken em pictures!

P.S. Keep an eye on my blog in the next could of days...I should have the billboard of our Venezuelan friend to show you shortly!